Donald Trump Tweets Nobody Has More Respect For Women


After multiple polls continue to come to the conclusion that he has a massive unfavorable rating with women, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is lashing out at media coverage of his treatment of women in a series of tweets that culminated in the statement:

“The media is so after me on women. Wow, this is a tough business,” Trump tweeted Saturday. “Nobody has more respect for women than Donald Trump!”

The tweets include:


Yes Donald Trump, it’s the media fault and all of your own comments where you disrespected women have nothing to do with this. Here are just a few examples where it was the media’s fault:

Some of the recent polls that showed Trumps unavailability rating include

  • Reuters 3/17 poll shows an unfavorable rating at 50%.
  • Quinnipiac 2/18 poll shows an unfavorable rating of 60%.
  • Gallup 2/29 poll shows it’s not good either.
