Trump launched crazed late night Twitter rant — spreading 22 RNC oppo research attacks

President Donald Trump is facing an impeachment inquiry after admitting he solicited foreign election interference in his search for opposition research to help his 2020 re-election bid.
With his efforts backfiring, Trump on Saturday evening relied on the Republican National Committee for opposition research — known as oppo research — to attack his opponents.
After starting the day with an unhinged attack on Democrats, the president went to Trump National Golf Club, but instead of returning to the White House refreshed after a day on the links, the president posted more unsubstantiated attacks on Democrats that received swift criticism.
It was after 10 p.m. Eastern that the president spread a massive amount of oppo research on Democrats to his 65 million Twitter followers.
Here are the RNC opposition research tweets Trump retweeted after 10 p.m.